Sims Portal Contacts Functionality

Sims Portal Contacts Functionality

We are currently performing maintenance on the contacts functionality within the Sims Portal and have suspended the functionality temporarily. While we perform the maintenance we will also take the opportunity to release upgraded functionality within this module to enhance your Sims Portal user experience.

What does this mean for you?

You will be unable to create new contacts, view existing contacts or delete contacts within the Sims Portal.

What should I do in the meantime? 

If you need to create a new contact, view your existing contacts, or delete a contact please get in touch with your Client Services representative who will be able to do this for you.

When will it be fixed?

We expect this will be fixed shortly. You will receive a further update when the functionality is available again.

During this period all other modules of the Sims Portal will continue to function as normal.

Best Regards

The Sims Portal Support Team

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