On the Sims Portal, we created a module called "Onsite"
The onsite activity module contain the following:
- Search box to allow users to search for activities
- Site field show activities from selected site
- A table showing a list of onsite activities
- The system display all activities that have been collected in the past year and any activities waiting to be collected.
- The table contain the following columns:
- Activity No – this link allow the user to open the link and see/edit details for that particular activity.
- Site Details – this is the location Site name, City, State/Country.
- Number of pallets – this is the total number of pallets in the activity
- Order Number – this is the Order number assigned to the activity.
- Status – this is the status of the activity
- Current Location
- Activity in complete and ongoing status will be displayed as "At client Site".
- Activity in collected status will be displayed as "In transit"
- Activity in received status will be displayed as "At SRS Site"
- Reports – Onsite Checked Items report
Activity statuses
- Ongoing – Onsite activities is ongoing. The Activity has not been mark as completed.
- Completed – Onsite activities completed but activity has not marked as shipped yet.
- Collected – Load has been shipped. Waiting to be received at SRS site
- Received – Activity/Order number has been received at SRS site.
- Canceled – Activity has been canceled
Pallet Management
The pallet Management level contain the following:
- Search box to allow users to search for pallets
- Site field show pallets from selected site.
- A grid with the following information:
- PalletNo – a link, to direct the user to a different page to see and edit items assigned to the pallet.
- Site Details
- Number of serialized items on the pallet.
- Sealed – a pallet status
- Activity Number – Activity number that the pallet is assigned to. Can be null if a pallet is not assigned to an activity.
- Report
New pallet
First step to create a new activity is add a new pallet:
On this page the user is able to do the following:
If the pallet will be used to activity then you will see list of items assigned to this pallet.
User will be able to remove item on a pallet. Only Items on the activity in ongoing status can be deleted.
Sealed pallet
Seal and unseal a pallet – click on Seal or Unseal button.
- If a pallet is sealed, it isn't displayed on the pallet dropdown list when a user is adding an activity.
- If a pallet is sealed, no items can be added to the pallet.
New Activity
The New Activity Page contain the following fields to allow user to enter data.
- Site – a location of an activity
- Service Type
- This is a dropdown list of service types.
- This is required field.
- Comments – A field to enter comments.
- Save button
- Date Created – This is the date an activity was created.
- Status:
- This will be the status of the current activity
- If the Status is Ongoing, the user is allowed to add more items.
- If the status is not ongoing the user is not allowed to add items
In Process
Next step is click the in progress button to start checking in items:
Add Items
To add items to the activity please go to the Items tab and fill out follows fields:
- Category
- Serial Number
- Asset ID
- Pallet Name
- Delete button
Add Non Serialized Items
To add items without serial numbers please go to the Non Serialized Items tab and fill out follows fields:
- Package Type
- Descriprion
- Quantity
- Delete button
The Activity Page will contain the following command buttons. .
- Overrule Activity Status
- A button to allow user to revert activity status from completed to Ongoing. This is only status overrule a user is allowed to do.
- Display a message for user to confirm his/her actions
- Collected – the button will be displayed if the Activity is in completed status and the Order number is assigned. (This means a user has attached this activity to an order number)
Adding an Activity to the Order
To add activity on the order user need to:
- On the lot detail page there is a button Assign Activity to select available activity to add in the order.
- The user should be presented with activities in complete status and have not been added to any order.
- When a user click the save button the system will assigned the associated Order No on the Activity.
- The system will allow user to remove activity as long as the Order is still in status 1.
Connection between Activity and Order will be visible on the Activity section:
Collected activity
When a user clicks Collected button, the system will ask the user for the following information:
When a user save the collection information the system will do the following:
- Change the status to Collected
- All serial numbers on the Activity will be populated on the assigned Order pre-alerts file and send to Sims internal system.
Unassigned activity from the Order
When an activity is assigned to the order then address details can't be changed:
But exist possibility to unassign activity from the order. Click on Assign button again and select the blank line from the list and press Save button:
You will be asked to confirmation:
Search items
Last updated on 1 September 2020